sábado, 1 de abril de 2023


                                       Vardis - Vigilante 1986 (UK, NWOBHM, Hard Rock)

Artista: Vardis
Local: Inglaterra
Álbum: Vigilante
Ano de lançamento: 1986
Gênero: NWOBHM, Hard Rock
Duração: 39:04 (com bônus)
Formato: MP3 CBR 320
Tamanho do arquivo: 92 MB (com 3% de recuperação)

Songs written by Steve Zodiac.
01. Don't Mess With The Best ('Cos The Best Don't Mess) - 3:34
02. Radio Rockers - 3:00
03. Learn How To Shoot Straight - 3:58
04. All The Worlds Eyes - 3:29
05. I Wanna Be A Guitar Hero (Just For You) - 3:38
06. Bad Company - 3:34
07. I Must Be Mad - 3:12
08. Wild Sound - 3:14
09. Radio Active - 2:53
10. Running (Beyond The Threshold Of Pain) - 5:38
11. Who Loves Ya Baby (EP B-side,1984) - 2:54

- Steve Zodiac (Stephen John Hepworth) - lead vocals, guitars
- Terry Horbury - bass, vocals
- Gary Pearson - drums
- Phil Chilton - producer

Pee Wee Bluesgang - A Soft Suicide 1987 (Germany, Blues Rock)

Artista: Pee Wee Bluesgang
Local: Alemanha
Álbum: A Soft Suicide
Ano de lançamento: 1987
Gênero: Blues Rock
Duração: 45:29
Formato: MP3 CBR 320
Tamanho do arquivo: 107 MB (com 3% de recuperação)

Recorded live at the Jovel Cinema in Münster, Germany on August 1st, 1987.
Songs written by Thomas Hesse except where noted.
01. Harley Davidson - 4:47
02. Christine - 3:43
03. Love Is Changing All The Time - 3:59
04. Point Blank: Mr. Jones - 3:30
05. Sweet Blue Angel - 6:15
06. Turn It On Like Solomon - 4:07
07. The Gambler - 4:44
08. Soft Suicide, Part I - 1:48
09. Hey Joe (Billy Roberts) - 9:05
10. Soft Suicide, Part II - 3:31

- Richard Hagel - lead vocals
- Thomas Hesse - lead guitar, vocals
- Werner Melzig - synthesizers, keyboards
- Heribert Grothe - bass
- Friedbert Falke - drums, percussion
- Pee Wee Bluesgang - producers

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