quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2024

Anthony Quinn With The Harold Spina Singers and Orchestra ‎– In My Own Way...I Love You (LP 1969)


Anthony Quinn with The Harold Spina Singers and Orchestra ‎– In My Own Way...I Love You (LP Capitol Records ST-116, 1969).

Anthony Quinn, nascido Antonio Rudolfo Oaxaca Quinn (Chihuahua/México, 21 de abril de 1915 — Boston, 3 de junho de 2001) foi um artista multifacetado (também foi pintor e escultor), e um excelente actor americano, premiado por diversas vezes.
Pai de treze filhos, naturalizou-se cidadão dos Estados Unidos nos anos 40. Antes de iniciar a sua carreira como actor trabalhou como açougueiro e boxeur. Chegou também a estudar arquitectura. Possui uma estrela no Passeio da Fama, localizado em 6251 Hollywood Boulevard. 
Quinn trabalhou em cerca de 250 filmes, dos quais destacamos, "Zorba o Grego", "Viva Zapata!" ou "Lawrence da Arábia", entre muitos outros.
Este é um disco que nos revela a sua abordagem à música, à qual empresta a sua excelente voz ao estilo apresentado.

Texto retirado da contracapa do LP:

If you must know, this album really began many, many years ago. Tony and I found that among other things we had in common was our mutual dislike for New Year’s Eve parties where you wind up kissing strangers at midnight. Determined to celebrate it quietly with those closest to us. Tony borrowed a friend’s beach house at Laguna. It was ideal for the occasion.
About dawn, when the sparkling burgundy had found its vocal chords, nothing would do but that the sunrise of the New Year should be greeted with appropriate verses. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam was chosen. (Omar, as you know, was also a sympathetic and appreciative wine connoisseur). The Verses, read with proper stentorian vibrance, accompanied by rather uncertain humming sounds plus the rhythm of the pounding surf, created a musical sound unheard of before which led Tony to remark «Why don’t we record this?» This sobering question could only be answered with another question, «Can the world stand it?» There has not been a New Year since that these questions were not asked again – but laughingly left unanswered.
However, last summer a situation arose which gave us an opportunity to test both questions. The answer was Anthony Quinn’s interpretation of my song “I Love You, and You Love Me” (backed with 2Sometimes I Just Can’t Stand You”), a single recording released by Capitol Records, which has since become an international hit.
Well! With this kind of acceptance, we fell we ought to try an album. So, we’ve compiled a set of musical ideas and songs, which I’ve tailored to Tony’s attitudes and range of moods. Maybe from this you will share with us what we found one New Year’s Eve many years ago. Enjoy it, preferably with someone special. And, of course, with a glass of sparkling burgundy!

(Harold Spina)


A1 In My Own Way 
A2 Just How Much Do I Love You 
A3 What Is Love? 
A4 I Love You, You Love Me 
A5 Love Is A Headache 
A6 The Distance To The Moon 
B1 Fall In Love In Rome 
B2 Carissima 
B3 Young And Foolish-And In Love 
B4 Who Can Forget A First Love? 
B5 Ask 
B6 The Last Leaf On The Apple Tree 

Nota: Na capa, o título aparece como "The Voice of Anthony Quinn With The Harold Spina Singers and Orchestra".

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